January 5, 2018

My Journey as a Solo Woman Van Dweller

Teri Lou and her Artistic Adventurer Van
My life dramatically changed in 2017 and so it was time to expand teriloublog.com to better express my artistic adventures.  This blog now includes: vanlife, photography and other thoughts as I meander through life. My goal is to educate, encourage and inspire people to fulfill their dreams.

At one time, as my daughters grew up, I was a more traditional woman with routines that didn't change much day to day, year to year. Then everything changed in 2002, I got divorced and my daughters were in high school; it was time to figure out who I was.

The journey has been full of: travel to amazing locations, incredible people who have given to me unselfishly, heart ache and hard work, variety of creative endeavors, and self discovery that lead to a very happy and content Teri Lou.

I am now a very non traditional woman as a full time solo van dweller who as a professional photographer prefers the iPhone because I can express myself in emotionally creative ways anytime, anywhere. My days are rarely the same and so I see this blog meandering as I do.

Please join me on this artistic adventure. Subscribe through email - see link on left column.
Who knows where it will lead us to.


  1. This is fabulous, Ms Teri Lou. So awesome to find and follow your bliss. Congratulations on living a life you love.

    1. Thanks Celeste. I am truly enjoying every day.

  2. I just saw you on campervan Kevin's vlog. You are an amazing woman and I love the work you did on your can. I wish you all the best and safe travels!

  3. Hi Teri, My life story is similar to yours. I am interested in your van work. I emailed you hopefully you receied it because I would like for you to create a Van interior for me. Thank you.

    1. Please email me at teri@terilou.com for more informative on my van builds.

  4. Hi Terry, I am in the process of custom ordering a Ford Transit 250 and was wondering which length is your van? the regular or the long version? Your van is beautiful.

  5. I have the mid length - just under 20’ and the high top. Enjoy your build.


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