August 31, 2012

iPhoneography 101 - Online Course - starts Monday

The Burnside Bridge Portland

I have been spending time in the Portland area lately. It is so much fun to learn about the different neighbors here. A friend is opening up an Urgent Care Express in the Hollywood neighborhood soon. It is his 4th clinic in the area. I am enjoying helping him with all the details - website design, interior floor plan layout, slogan, colors, signs, colors... the list is never ending. It has been a longtime since I have been involved in a building project like this. It feels great, comfortable and familiar, like an old friend has returned.

I created this image many months ago. I know I used Filterstorm, PhotoForge and fxPhotoStudio. Not sure if there were others.

Sign up NOW!
Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 30, 2012

Creating Custom Textures with fxPhotoStudio

As I have been preparing for a tutorial today, I needed to use a texture blend. However the texture I wanted was a frame in fxPhotoStudio so it needed to be created.
One the the textures I already had in my iPhone Texture Album was a blank white canvas, so I imported it into fxPhotoStudio and started to apply different filters to it. Below are a few choices that I really liked and now have saved for future use.

Imported blank canvas photo into fxPhotoStudio 

Old Sketch Texture

Crumpled Paper Texture

Nior Blue Texture or Border

Burnt Paper Texture or Border

This time I added Dirty Picture 2 after applying the Burnt Paper

Then I decided to create a texture with Burnt Paper, then Rusted Metal 2 and finally Dirty Picture 2.
The possibilities are endless. I will use a few of these in a future blog.

Only 2 spots left in iPhoneography 101. Sign up NOW! 
Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

Selections with a new App - AnyShape Photo Editor

Double Vision!!!
Heard good things about a new app called AnyShape Photo Editor today. (It is free for a limited time!) So I downloaded it and gave it a try. It is a simple app (I like the simplicity) that allows you to create a selection by placing points around an object. After the selection is made you can add effects to the selection or invert the selection to add effect to everything else. Then you can save and export the selection to be used in other creative ways. I used the truck image I processed earlier this week and created a playful double vision version.

Any Shape App
I used many selection points to select, emboss and save the truck so I could then place it in the image again as a double.
I also used Image Blender and Filterstorm to create this post.

Only two spots left in Iphoneography 101... hurry and sign up now!
Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 28, 2012

Vintage iPhoneography - Sunrise Barn

The barn shares his years of experience as whispers of wisdom in the wind.
Are you listening?


Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 27, 2012

Wheat Texture Blending into Bald Blue Sky - iPad Processing Tutorial

Abandoned Combine of Yesteryear
The Palouse is known for its incredible puffy blue skies, however the week of the workshop they were often bald blue.

In this particular multi-stitch image I wanted to find a creative texture for the sky. I tried some app textures but they didn't quite create the look I hoped. So I looked through the many images I captured that week and was inspired by the simple concept of the wheat field.

Bald Blue Sky before adding wheat texture

Wheat Image used for Blending
Using Image Blender, I first imported the Combine photo into the left (dominate) corner. Then I imported the wheat image into the right corner. For this blend I chose Overlay at about 25%.
Filterstorm was used for the next step. First I imported the Blended image. Next in the Filters tab, click on Add Exposure and import the original bald blue image. After tapping on 'Fit to Image' you can then paint away the texture from everywhere except the sky. When applying this method I prefer to have a large soft brush with a low opacity. It is suggested that you zoom into the image for final touch up.
I continued the processing of the final image with fxPhotoStudio, Vintage HD, blending in ImageBlender, TouchRetouch and final touches in Filterstorm. The step by step process will be taught in my iCreativity course soon, as I am totally rewriting the online course materials.

On a final note: Even after all the processing was complete, this image can easily be printed 11x27 inches in size and is 12 megapixels.

Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Both iPhoneography 101 and iCreativity starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 26, 2012

Glorious Morning in the Palouse

Love shining down on the Palouse

Getting up before sunrise is never easy for me. After 7 straight days of waking up at 4:15am to be ready to drive to sunrise by 5am, I was exhausted. However when I am in an incredibly photographic area, I usually am motivated by the possibilities. So on the day after the Palouse workshop Harry Sandler and I once again headed out early and I was very grateful that we did. We ended up stopping every 1/2 mile or so as the light changed and the scenery  continued to amaze until 11am and we were starving.


Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 25, 2012

Paintersque iPhoneography processed

Paintersque was used to create the look for today's blog. Along with ImageBlender, Snapseed and Filterstorm.
You know I can't pass up an old car!

August 24, 2012

Hipstamatic Freebie Friday - Snapseed and Frames

Framed Palouse Barn - Hipsta Style

This afternoon I was sitting at my computer with my iPhone nearby and all of a sudden it sounded like the Hipstamatic App took a photo. A little freaked out by the sound, I glanced down at my phone I saw a notification from Hipstamatic informing me of a FreePak and telling me that IncrediBooth is free also. I smiled thinking how amazing technology is.

I instantly was directed to the app and the New W Mag Pak. It is now downloaded among the 23 films and 24 lenses. So glad that I can refer to the Hipstamatch app to see the incredible amount of combinations I can capture with this camera choice. Yes I do have my favorites, but I never want to miss out on a free Pak and add to my Hipsta collection.

For today's post I decided to use a Hipsta image for the after the notification. I captured this image a few days ago and I haven't had a chance to capture any shots with the new W Mag Pak yet.

I am using the app Snapseed a lot in my processing. In the Tune Image Folder there is the White Balance option. Below I demonstrated how the barn changed from an orange/red to a rich red.

Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 23, 2012

Before and After iPad Processing

Never can pass up an old truck anymore - GMC in the Palouse

I took advantage of another great opportunity in the Palouse as I drove away. Always enjoy not knowing what I'll find around the next bend of the road. That morning I found lots of treasures. I will be posting some of them for months to come.

Today I decided to share the before as well as the after processing of this old truck image.

I processed it with Snapseed, Vintage HD, PicGrunger, Blender, Filterstorm and Snapseed.

Old truck before processing

Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 22, 2012

iPhoneography - Capturing the often photographed Multnomah Falls iPhone Pano style

Multnomah Falls, Columbia Gorge, OR
Maltnomah Falls is a tiered waterfall along the Columbia Gorge in Oregon. While traveling with Harry Sandler to the Portland Airport yesterday after our Palouse Workshop we stopped at several locations. I had never captured the falls before with my iPhone.
For this image I stitched 6 captures together with AutoStitch and then continued the process with Glaze as my blending layers, masking the original bridge back in to the final image. I also used Snapseed to create more contrast in the misty scene.
The scene is a postcard classic, however I haven't seen an iPhone capture of it quite like this one.
This image can be printed in its native size 13x24 inches. This capability is one reason I love to capture multiple images and process with AutoStitch.

Be sure to sign up for my iPhone courses next month.
Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 21, 2012

Another Great Workshop - The Palouse

Happy, fearless, full of gratitude, the two trees watched toward the sunset.
Was it just the wind through their branches or did I actually hear them shout, in unison,
"Thank You"...
~ Dewitt Jones
Harry Sandler and I just finished another great destination workshop last night. The Palouse is full of diversity. We captured working farm scenes, rolling wheat fields, lone trees, and were warmly greeted by many farmers and families as we stopped along the way. One student said this was the most friendly place she had ever been.

On my way to deliver cookies and a couple prints from Harry to Rod and his hired hand last night, I was treated to this wonderful sunset. The Palouse never ceases to amaze me with its incredible photographic gifts.

Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 18, 2012

Palouse Farmer Extraordinaire, Rod Hubner

What a hit today was thanks to Rod Hubner. When we arrived to his farm this afternoon he told us that two moose were feeding on alfalfa just down the road. So we headed off and captured many wonderful images of a mom and her calf walking through the golden wheat. What a treat that was!! Moose in the Palouse!!

Shortly thereafter, a tour of the farmer was followed by individual combine rides. Today he was thrashing the lentils.

A true American Gentleman Rod is in every way. How kind he was to open his home to us. Oh yeah, Mattie, the best farm dog ever, was a hit too.

Many thanks Rod! We will see you again next year, or maybe even twice.

August 17, 2012

WheatManna Composite

Enjoyed "playing"today!
The eleven workshop attendees, Harry and I had a long, fun, hot day shooting at many locations. This sign was found in Oaksdale, WA.
The base layer image was processed as a Autostiched pano. My ability to keep the outer edges straight was based on a technical concept from an image Harry Sandler made on a trip to the Everglades.
The composite was done with other images from Hipstamatic.
Other apps used were:
Image Blender

August 16, 2012

Old Friends in the Palouse

The Palouse
Four old friends gather again during harvest to exchange stories and bask in the sun.
What a life!

fx PhotoStudio

Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 15, 2012

Images of the Palouse - scouting day one

Had a busy first day. Covered many miles. Am exhausted and happy.

August 14, 2012

Palouse Sunset from Steptoe

from Steptoe looking south

Hooray I am back in the rolling wheat fields. When I got out of the car it was so wonderful to hear the rustling wheat and feel the warm air!

To end the day I spent sunset at the top of Steptoe. The patterns are wonderful!

Since I got such a positive response from yesterday's glazed image I processed this one with Glaze too. More Palouse to come!

Blender... the trick is always in the Blending ;-)

Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

The Gift with the new app - Glaze

Processed with the new app Glaze
My life has been a a bit crazy lately. Seems like my routines are non existant. Some would say that I don't have a routine, which is mostly true. However my world of traveling, especially in my car has lacked in the recent past. Instead I have been packing my stuff to allow renters in my house for the next year, helping with wedding plans, enjoying the summer with hikes and bike rides, going to photography meetings, attending to picnics, and sorting through paperwork to please the IRS - important stuff.

Tomorrow I pick up my co workshop instructor, Harry Sandler and we head off to scout the Palouse. I am so excited because that means I will be back to my routines and will start blogging again on a regular basis. Plus I get to teach and be surrounded by positive energy from excited students.

Tonight I wrapped the gift for the couple's (my daughter and fiancee) wedding shower next weekend. When my daughters were young I spent a lot of time making sure they got great gifts and had interesting birthday parties. One of the most memorable parties was a "backwards party" where among other things we dressed with our clothes backwards, sang Happy Birthday Backwards and ate pizza for breakfast and pancakes for dinner.

For the past few years I feel like my creative gift giving juices are lacking. My presents seems ordinary and wrapping minimal. So when presented with the need to buy a shower gift I was frustrated at my lack of uniqueness and creativity. Tonight however I started with something quite boring and made it personal and fun! I hope they like it!

I processed this image with a new app called Glaze. I was introduced to it by Karen Messick. She posted a great tutorial on it. I think it is a great look for still life. I hope to process some more images with it in the near future that are a bit more exciting.


Learn how to create artistic iPhone Photography images with easy to follow online courses. Next course starts September 3rd. Please see side bar for more information. Come join me on Google+ Hangouts. Circle me and I will invite you to join in the fun.

August 9, 2012

Heading to the Palouse soon...

Really looking forward to the Workshop in the Palouse next week. So many great students to meet!
This image is a favorite. Can't wait to see Mattie again.

August 6, 2012

Summer at Greenlake

I am trying to not let summer pass by while I sit inside in front of a computer. So I drove to a popular lake in Seattle and took a walk.
Didn't get very far before I saw a scene I wanted to capture.

I hope everyone gets to take a few moments to enjoy summer.

Hipsta and Snapseed

August 2, 2012

Another Great Memory from Nepal

Delaying the detailed Snapseed Blog post until tomorrow.

Tanka Painter - exclusively Snapseed

I used Snapseed exclusively to process this image. Tomorrow I will blog the step by step process. I will also show many other varieties of this image using many of the Snapseed folders.