February 15, 2011

Carpenter Museum

Carpenter Museum built 1914

I was driving through my hometown yesterday looking for hearts, when I decided to stop and capture this local historical house. It is another example of me waiting 18 years to capture something I have driven by several times.

For me, the iPhone has opened up my eyes and my heart to more possibilities. This image is a reflection of the artist I have become. This time when I was driving by the house I saw it an opportunity for me to practice creating a vintage photographic look. What I would normally see as a rather dull scene, without much color in the yard, on the house or in the sky, now became a challenge.

I will admit that I went in several wrong directions before I found just the right apps to do the job.  Most were creating a muddy mess. After I got the image to glow I still needed to spend time finding the right frames. I also spent time in Filterstorm with the brush and eraser.

ProHDR - 11 images

This image's processing technique will be part of my Advance Course that I am preparing for now.
iPhoneography 101 Course - Learn to use the apps of the iPhone to create photographs beyond a basic snapshot. This online course allow you to work at your own pace while having a professional standing by to provide assistance, answer questions and offer critiques. Starts March 12th - sign up now! Contact instructor: Teri Lou at teri@terilou.com

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